People with a learning disability and their families can find out what’s happening in Nottingham City at a fair to show-case support providers, heath services and leisure opportunities. Linked to the Information Fair at the Deaf Society, there will be a legacy of a ‘virtual’ online fair with information from all the exhibitors and a taste of what they have to offer.
The events are part of Learning Disability Awareness Week which runs from Monday 15th – Sunday 21st June. The week is a national event promoted by the learning disability charity, Mencap. Nationally, Mencap are asking how the new government will fulfill its pledges for people with a learning disability.
Locally, we are asking organisations what they are doing differently to enable people with a learning disability to live a fulfilling life in the city.
SPLAT, is co-ordinating the events. SPLAT is the Nottingham City Learning Disability and Autism Partnership Board. The Board gives people and their families a voice in local planning and is supported by Nottingham City Council and Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group.
SPLAT reps said ‘We want to do different things but don’t know what’s out there’
The fair gives them a chance to find out.
Portfolio Holder for Adults, Health and Community Sector, Councillor Alex Norris, said: “Nottingham city’s vision is for people with a learning disability, people with autism and their families to be acknowledge, to have equal opportunities and to live fulfilling and rewarding lives. We want them to be recognised as citizens with the right to play a full part in the life of the City. The SPLAT Board and this showcase in Learning Disability Awareness Week are an important step towards this.”
Information Fair
15th June 2015
11am – 3.30pm
Notts Deaf Society. Forest Road West. NG7 4EQ
Virtual Fair
From 15th June