Following Nottingham City Council’s bid for Central Government funding which saw the city allocated around £20 million, the money was formally accepted this spring.

The money will allow Nottingham City Council to make huge improvements to Bulwell including:

  • A new modern marketplace – around 20,000 square metres of improvements and the creation of a ‘Bulwell Promenade’ linking the marketplace and bogs area.
  • More trees and greenery
  • Improved public toilets at Bulwell Bus Station
  • Better pedestrian links between spaces and links to local transport
  • Improvements to Bulwell Bogs, including new play elements, seating areas and and improved connectivity with the River Leen 
  • Historic buildings and shopfronts will have their heritage features restored

The council will also work with the Environment Agency to see how the River Leen area can be improved and become more resilient to future flooding events.

It’s hoped this work will make more jobs, increase visitor numbers, improve trade and make it easier for people to access top quality green space. It will also restore heritage and hopefully mean that more cultural and creative events can happen in the town.

Nottingham City Council Major Projects team will be at Bulwell Riverside on 23 and 26 July from 10am – 4pm to remind local communities of the plans developed in the bid work and capture feedback to feed into the design process which will be starting soon. Anyone who can’t attend is invited to give feedback via email to

The Bulwell Town Regeneration Project has been created in partnership with the people of Bulwell and the surrounding Nottingham North area, including businesses, community groups, members and wider stakeholders including the local MP.

Residents first gave their input via a well-supported public consultation in 2022 which shaped the scheme and was submitted as part of the funding bid.

The project teams next steps will be to develop detailed designs for the regeneration scheme over the next few months, with work in Bulwell expected to begin next summer and be complete by March 2026. The scheme is funded through the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG).

This project will complement recent transport investment in Bulwell in the new Bus Station, which was completed using Transforming Cities funding from central Government. All the council’s costs for the Bulwell town centre project will be met through the external funding, including management costs.

Councillor Neghat Khan, Council Leader and Executive Member for Strategic Regeneration, Transport and Communications, said: “Bulwell town centre is an important part of the city and I’m pleased we can invest vital funds to make improvements, such as creating a modern square with better toilets and more green spaces. This work will help to enhance the heritage of the town, while boosting the facilities for markets and events, and also making it easier to get around the town and to and from the main transport hubs. This is really an exciting time for this historic market town.”