Schools across Nottingham will be taking part in the sixth annual Food for Life Roast Dinner Day on Wednesday 4 November.
This day of celebration, held during LACA’s National School Meals Week, recognises the dedicated, hard-working and talented school cooks who serve our children with nutritious, freshly prepared and locally sourced school dinners.
Schools have invited parents and special guests to join them for a roast dinner with pupils and staff, with some schools incorporating organically grown school vegetables and locally sourced ingredients in the menu.
The City Council is hosting a special Robin Hood themed lunch at Robin Hood School, Arnold with a guest appearance from the city’s favourite outlaw. Robin Hood will be sharing stories, telling tales and having lunch with pupils.
A group of 12 Nottingham City teachers will enjoy a tasty roast dinner, as well as taking part in a ‘Teaching Cooking Confidently’ training session at Sneinton St Stephen’s Primary School.
Portfolio Holder for Adults, Health and Community Sector, Councillor Alex Norris will join pupils and staff at Heathfield Primary School for a roast dinner to celebrate the day.
Speaking about the council’s partnership with Food for life, he said: “It is important children and families in Nottingham City understand the importance of a nutritious diet and the need to eat healthily. We are supporting this initiative to give our children the skills and understanding they need for later life.
“The quality and source of food in our school meals is very important to us, and working with Food for Life provides us with the support to deliver the highest standards in our schools. We are looking forward to working with them further to achieve the Silver Catering Mark in our schools by the end of this year.”
Helen Ross, Public Health Insight Specialist at Nottingham City, said “This is a great way of supporting schools to promote healthy eating so that children can learn about all aspects of food – from growing, to cooking and eating.”
Local Food for Life Programme Manager Kate Shaw said: “It has been extremely encouraging to work with Nottingham City Council during National School Meals Week and National Roast Dinner Day to promote school meals and the important role that they play in schools across the city.”
National Roast Dinner Day is organised by the Food for Life, who has been commissioned by Nottingham City Council Public Health to provide local schools with support and training over the next two years,
Led by the Soil Association, Food for Life gives children the opportunity to learn about where food comes from and providing healthy, sustainable school dinners through the Food for Life Catering Mark.
The programme is about more than just food on the plate; it considers where food comes from and how it’s grown, cooked and experienced providing practical advice and support, and rewarding and celebrating success.