It’s September again, children are going back to school and the school run is in full swing.
Using the car to drop the kids off might be convenient but be aware that inconsiderate parking can put your children at risk. Roads are very busy around the city’s schools, which is why the City Council is suggesting that whenever you can, leave the car at home and walk or cycle to school.
If you have to drive, make sure you park safely, observe road markings and do your bit to help avoid issues with other road users.
To encourage drivers to parks safely near schools the City Council has launched a Capital FM radio campaign with children singing a catchy song that offers drivers clear advice where not to park. In school, children will be recreating their own video version of the song, to be uploaded onto the council’s YouTube account. Schools will also be taking part in ‘Footprints,’ a city-wide initiative to encourage parents and guardians to ditch the car and get walking. The schools that measure the most walked miles win a special ‘Big Foot’ plaque as a prize and know that they are not only improving the environment but also playing a big part in making roads safer.
Councillor Nick McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Growth, Jobs and Transport at Nottingham City Council, said: “This school road safety programme promotes the ideas of sustainable transport and responsible parking. The Footprints challenge is a fun way to help to reduce noxious emissions, get a bit of exercise and reduce the risk that poor car parking poses to Nottingham’s children. If you have to drive to school, make sure that you arrive early to find a safe place to park.
“While there, please don’t park on the zig zag markings or in dangerous places, not least because this could well land you with a £70 Fixed Penalty Notice. We will be using enforcement staff and trialling new camera technology outside schools and across the City to monitor school time parking.”