Nottingham City Council will soon be carrying out essential road resurfacing works on King Street and Queen Street (City Centre) from Sunday 13th September 2015. These short duration works will start at 12:15 on Sunday morning and finish by 6am on Monday morning.
During this time the road will be closed to traffic and buses will not run from these stops. All of the temporary restrictions in place will be removed following the completion of the work.
For more information about the works or to discuss special access requirements call 0115 915 2000.
Councillor Nick McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Growth, Jobs and Transport at Nottingham City Council, said: “These road improvement works are being carried out outside of normal working hours to minimise disruption. King Street and Queen Street is a busy bus terminal so a full road closure is necessary. We thank road users and local businesses for their cooperation in helping us carry out this important work.
Nottingham has one of the best integrated transport systems in the UK and proactive road maintenance works like this play a vital part in keeping the traffic moving, making roads safer and improving journey times. This is important for drivers, businesses and public transport.”
For further information please contact Ruth Stallwood, Nottingham City Council Communications Team, on 0115 876 2900or by email at