Our Sport and Leisure team which manages the city’s seven leisure centres has been handed a prestigious award in recognition of its practices and achievements in ensuring customer safety.
The Gold Leisure Safety Award, is part of the internationally-renowned RoSPA Health and Safety Awards, which are the longest-running industry awards scheme in the UK.
They were presented with the award during a ceremony in Birmingham earlier this summer.
The RoSPA Awards scheme, which receives entries from organisations around the world, recognises achievement in health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.
Councillor Dave
Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, said: “This Gold award is
credit to the hard work of the management team and staff at each of our city’s
leisure centres, who go the extra mile to ensure that the safety of our
customers is a key priority.
I’m delighted that the Sport and Leisure team has been recognised as being one
of the best in the country in the leisure industry”
The majority of awards are non-competitive and mark achievement at merit, bronze, silver and gold levels. Gold medals, president’s awards, orders of distinction and the Patron’s Award are presented to organisations sustaining the high standards of the gold level over consecutive years.
Competitive awards go to the best entries in 24 industry sectors including construction, healthcare, transport and logistics, engineering, manufacturing and education.
There are specialist awards for health at work, environmental management and fleet safety, and excellence trophies for the best international, new entry, workforce involvement and organisation operating or based in Scotland. RoSPA’s top accolade is the Sir George Earle Trophy.