Following the closure of the Broadmarsh Car Park and Bus Station on Monday 7 August, a three-week programme to establish a solid boundary hoarding around the redundant car park will start on Monday 21 August.
This will see some lane restrictions on all roads around the site from Monday 21 August, with lanes reduced by one lane on Collin Street, Middle Hill and Carrington Street and by two lanes on Canal Street. Temporary fencing will initially mark the boundary to allow safe installation of the hoardings.
Nottingham City Council has already undertaken work to improve other roads and alternative routes around the Broadmarsh area to make sure traffic still flows as normal during these works. The Southern Relief Route was completed in June 2016 and has since been designated the city’s first ‘red route,’ with double red lines to keep traffic moving. It is a key diversion route skirting below Nottingham Station for anyone driving across the city who might normally pass through the Broadmarsh area.
Alternative car parks for motorists who would usually use the Broadmarsh Car Park have been established at Broadmarsh East and Sheriff’s Lodge, both off Canal Street, as it is business as usual at intu Broadmarsh as the Car Park is demolished.
Details of alternative traffic routes, public transport and parking options can be found on to support people in getting round the city during the redevelopment of the Broadmarsh area.
Councillor Jon Collins, Leader of the City Council, said: “The hoardings going up are probably the first real sign for everyone in Nottingham that the Broadmarsh changes are happening, that this isn’t another false dawn, which is a welcome sign for the city. It’s the first step in a long regeneration programme but one I think everyone is looking forward to.”
The Broadmarsh redevelopment scheme will see £250m invested in the area, primarily in redeveloping the car park site, modernising the shopping centre into a modern retail and leisure destination and creating a new public space. It is expected to boost the economy by £1.1 billion a decade with 2,900 more jobs, attracting three million more visitors and bringing £25 million extra spend to the city a year.
The D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership – the private sector-led partnership promoting economic growth across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire – has invested £10.3m from its Local Growth Fund (LGF) allocation in the Broadmarsh area scheme, and is set to invest a further £15m in LGF funding in it.