Broadmarsh Car Park will close on Monday 7 August, with demolition due to start soon after.

The Car Park and Bus Station will be demolished and rebuilt as part of the £250m Broadmarsh programme regeneration plans.

City Council Leader Councillor Jon Collins said: “The end is in sight for the Broadmarsh Car Park – and I can’t imagine too many people are disappointed.

“We’ve worked hard to pull together new provision for people parking in the city both in and near the area and are confident there will be enough spaces for everyone while we transform the entire Broadmarsh area.

“This is the first major step in redeveloping the Broadmarsh area, and it will have its challenges for traffic and people getting round the area. However, we’ve done a lot to try and help people and ask you to bear with us as I’m confident it will all be worth the disruption.”

Once Broadmarsh Car Park has been demolished, the site will be redeveloped by Nottingham City Council to provide a new car park, bus station, retail units to complement the new Broadmarsh area and potentially even new homes.

The Broadmarsh redevelopment scheme will see £250m invested in the area, primarily in redeveloping the car park site, modernising the shopping centre into a modern retail and leisure destination and creating a new public space. It is expected to boost the economy by £1.1 billion a decade with 2,900 more jobs, attracting three million more visitors and bringing £25 million extra spend to the city a year.

The D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership – the private sector-led partnership promoting economic growth across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire – has invested £10.3m from its Local Growth Fund (LGF) allocation in the Broadmarsh area scheme, and is set to invest a further £15m in LGF funding in it.

More details on parking in the area, and the wider Broadmarsh redevelopment, can be found at