Nottingham City Council in partnership with residents, organisations, academics and service providers have reaffirmed their pledge to be an age-friendly city by updating their charter.
Age Friendly Nottingham (AFN) was first established in 2012, to help build an age-friendly future for Nottingham citizens and reduce the stigma and discrimination people face as they get older.
To support the development of the partnership, a Nottingham Older Citizens’ Charter was developed to outline the values and standards expected. They include supporting older citizens in reducing loneliness and isolation, and promoting health, wellbeing and independence.
The charter was recently updated to keep it relevant for today’s changing society, including adding pledges on working towards greater access to digital technology, and ensuing older people play an active role in helping Nottingham become a carbon-neutral city by 2028.
Councillor Linda Woodings, Nottingham City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health, said, “We want to make sure that all older people living in Nottingham have fulfilled lives – feeling valued by all sections of our society, playing an active role in their local communities and living as independently as possible.
“Our commitment is to make Nottingham a great place to grow older in. By updating the Nottingham Older Citizens’ Charter, we are ensuring we’re keeping older people at the heart of what we do and shaping Nottingham to be a truly great place to live at every stage of life.”
Age Friendly Nottingham is a World Health Organisation Age Friendly City and a member of the UK Age Friendly Cities Network. Age Friendly Nottingham also work closely with the Centre for Ageing Better, which develop policy and practice informed by evidence and work to improve employment, housing, health and communities for people aged 50 plus.
To celebrate International Day of Older Persons, the Council House in the Old Market Square, Nottingham Castle and Wollaton Hall were lit up purple earlier in the week, in recognition of the valued contribution older citizens make to Nottingham. International Day of Older Person’s occurs annually on 1st October and kickstarts events all over the world showcasing the important role older citizens play in daily life.
To find out more about Age Friendly Nottingham visit:
Nottingham’s Older Citizen’s Charter pledges:
- To encourage older citizens’ contributions to their communities and to Nottingham society.
- To promote positive representations of ageing.
- To support older citizens in reducing their loneliness and isolation.
- To promote health, wellbeing and independence.
- To ensure dignity and choice in health, care and housing services.
- To create welcoming and accessible public environments.
- To work towards greater access to digital technology for those currently excluded.
- To provide clear, consistent information to all citizens from sources they can trust.
- To promote better understanding and connections between generations.
- To recognise that not all citizens of older age will have the help and support of families or friends in the provision of care.
- To promote the active involvement of older citizens in working towards the aim of Nottingham becoming Carbon Neutral by 2028.