A dozen community groups with great green ideas are benefiting from a share of £26,000 of grant money handed out by Nottingham City Council.
The Greener Nottingham Community Grant is designed for community, voluntary and not-for-profit organisations to encourage communities to live more sustainably. Grants have been awarded to projects that will bring communities together and help people understand how they can work together to protect the environment and provide for each other in sustainable ways.
This year to encourage communities to work across ward boundaries there was a collaborative theme and many of the organisations will be using the grants to launch successful initiatives into new areas.
Groups to receive the grants are:
- Nourish Associates – Foodshare
- Playworks – Scrap Saturdays
- Playworks – Resourceful Recyclers
- The Friends of Greens Mill – Inspire Green Family Workshops and Activities
- Cloth Nappies – Nappucino’s at Sure Start Centres
- Forest Fields Primary School – New Outdoor Learning & Community Area
- The Partnership Council – Energy Saving Workshops at The Nest
- Nottingham Park Residents Association – Sustainability Working Group
- Bulwell Forest Garden – Earth Up (Seasonal grow and Cook Workshops)
- Nottingham City Homes – M2 Pallet Growing
- Framework -The Bike Club
- Covenant Ministries – Fresh Products for Healthy Meals.
Cllr Alan Clark, Portfolio Holder for Energy and Sustainability, said: “It has been a privilege to be part of the judging panel for the Greener Nottingham Communities Grant Scheme. We had a great response and it is very clear that there is a lot of innovative work happening across the city to ensure a greener future for Nottingham. The collaborative theme has worked really well; it will be really exciting to see proven schemes run in new areas benefiting even more communities.
“I am delighted to announce that due to the great response the grant generated, we will shortly be re-running this scheme. Please keep an eye on our website and social media. We encourage applications from a wide variety of organisations and hope to see a range of different ideas.
Penny Poyzer from Nourish Associates, which received a £2,500 grant, said: “The grant is a real game changer for Foodshare, enabling a new generation of primary school food growers and food givers to start their journey. The City Council has shown real vison in providing community organisations with the means to create special and lasting projects; sometimes it’s not about the big money as the smaller amounts go a really long way for organisations such as ours.”
To pre-register interest for the next round of funding for the Greener Nottingham Communities Grant Scheme, please email ruth.zoumides@nottinghamcity.gov.uk, telephone 0115 876 5626.
For further information contact Ruth Zoumides, Nottingham City Council email: ruth.zoumides@nottinghamcity.gov.uk or telephone: 0115 876 5626.
Contact details for the organisation are
- Nourish Associates – Foodshare www.facebook.com/NourishAssociates/
- Playworks -Scrap Saturdays https://www.playworks.org.uk/
- Playworks – Resourceful Recyclers https://www.playworks.org.uk/
- The Friends of Greens Mill – Inspire Green Family Workshops and Activities www.greensmill.wordpress.com/friends
- Cloth Nappies – Nappucino’s at Sure Start Centers
- Forest Fields Primary School – New Outdoor Learning & Community Area https://www.forestfieldsprimary.co.uk/
- The Partnership Council – Energy Saving Workshops at The Nest https://www.partnershipcouncil.co.uk/
- Nottingham Park Residents Association – Sustainability Working Group, https://parknews.co.uk/
- Bulwell Forest Garden – Earth Up (Seasonal grow and Cook Workshops) https://www.bulwellforestgarden.co.uk/
- Nottingham City Homes – M2 Pallet Growing https://www.nottinghamcityhomes.org.uk/
- Framework -The Bike Club https://www.frameworkha.org/how_we_help/social_enterprises_and_opportunity_eve_trades/bike_club
- Covenant Ministries – Fresh Products for Healthy Meals https://www.facebook.com/Covenant-Ministries-Church-Nottingham-277347068955597/