Local leaders in the independent energy sector are to share their knowledge and expertise at a special free event next week.
Independent organisations play an important role in improving competition in the energy market which in turn creates better outcomes for consumers. Nottingham is a leading city in the independent energy sector; The Clean Tech Business Network is bringing together local leaders in the independent sector to talk about their experiences and future opportunities.
This free event considers the rapid growth and emerging role of small and independent energy companies and generation businesses. There will be presentations from:
- Robin Hood Energy – Nottingham City Council has recently launched Robin Hood Energy, the first energy supply company to be run by a local authority in the UK. Robin Hood Energy provides competitively priced electricity and gas services to domestic and business customers and will, as a not-for-profit business, re-invest surpluses into localised energy generation and infrastructure projects’.
- Nottingham Community Energy – has developed plans for a community-owned 20,000 panel solar farm near Colston Bassett, capable of providing power to 1,150 homes. A total of £880,000 has been raised via a recent public shareholder offer. The project will sell green electricity to the National Grid, generating £1.8 million for community projects across the county.
- Hockerton Housing Project – will present details of their involvement in the PICLO project with Good Energy. PICLO is an innovative web platform which puts people at the heart of the energy market by giving renewable generators and consumers control over sourcing and selling their electricity.
This event is part of a series of events organised by the Clean Tech Business Network and sponsored by Nottingham City Council to promote and support Nottingham’s clean tech economy.
Councillor Alan Clark, Portfolio Holder for Energy and Sustainability said: “Energy security for Nottingham is a key focus for the council, we want to safeguard households against future price rises in energy bills and support the local energy sector. Nottingham has a lot to be proud of, including the first council- owned energy company, one of the country’s largest energy-from-waste district heating networks and a significant of number of solar panel systems across the city. All this helps to make Nottingham the UK’s most energy self-sufficient city.
Helping new businesses to set up and supporting them at their earliest stages to explore possible markets and growth opportunities is vital to the success of both individual business and to our low carbon economy. The Clean Tech events are a great way of bringing like-minded organisations and people together to share ideas and get new ideas off the ground.”
Event organiser Neil Horsley of CleanTech Business Ltd, said: “This event offers a chance to hear about exciting developments in the energy market and how small not-for-profit generators are now challenging the role of the traditional Big Six energy businesses.”
This event will be on Wednesday 11 May at Nottingham’s Sustainability and Enterprise Centre, New College, from 4pm to 6pm. This event is free to attend includes refreshments and a networking opportunity. The venue is served by a number of bus routes, two tram stops and has free on-site car parking.
For a place at this event please register here Independent Energy Companies
The event is sponsored by Nottingham City Council and The D2N2 Growth Hub.
Future events will cover themes such as smart cities, innovation and energy from waste.
For further information about Clean Tech events contact:
Neil Horsley
CleanTech Business Ltd
Antenna Centre, Beck Street, Nottingham, NG1 1EQ
Email – neil@cleantech-business.com
Web Site – www.cleantech-business.com
Mobile – 0797 279 7793 Landline +44(0) 115 9375423