Work started this week on improvements to Tottle Brook in Highfields Park that will create new wildlife habitats.
Funded by a £50,000 grant from the European Regional Development Fund and Nottingham City Council, the work involves re-naturalising the river channel that runs through the park. This will create an enhanced environment for wildlife, improved biodiversity and new habitat creation, and a better park feature for visitors to enjoy. Further work, which would include a boardwalk, is also being considered and will take place before the end of the year.
The main work is due to be completed by the end of December 2019 with follow-up landscaping work in spring 2020.
Councillor Dave Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Localities, said: “We are delighted that work is starting as we recognise how very important these improvements are. The funding received from the European Regional Development Fund will safeguard and improve this natural habitat so that wildlife can thrive for generations to come.”
This work follows the recent completion of a £4.8m project to restore Highfields Park to its former glory.