Councillor Sally Longford, Councillor Dave Trimble,
contractors, funders and parks staff
Work nears completion this month on improvements to Valley Road Park with the release of the water into the newly created river alignment. The Blue Green Infrastructure project, part funded by the European regional development Fund, delivered by Balfour Beatty with works procured through the Scape Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Framework, has realigned the river channel through the park enhancing environments for wildlife and communities, improved biodiversity, habitat creation and new paths to improve public access. In addition it will lower flood risk for around 160 properties located near the Day Brook. Realigning the river channel through the park will also mean enhanced environments for wildlife and communities, improved biodiversity, habitat creation and new paths to improve public access.
The project will optimise the flood storage, at Jubilee Ponds in Gedling, and ensure that all existing storage is used. The work is being funded by a £3 million grant from the European Regional Development Fund and Environment Agency
Now that the main work is complete, the follow-on landscaping will take place in the Spring.
Councillor Sally Longford, Deputy Leader & Portfolio Holder for Energy, Environment & Democratic Services said: “We are delighted that work is now complete, as we recognise how very important these improvements are. The funding received from the European Regional Development Fund and Environment Agency will ensure that we are able to honour our pledge to protect 1,000 homes from flooding by 2023 as well as creating habitats for better biodiversity in which wildlife can thrive.”
Stephen Semple, Balfour Beatty Area Director for North & Midlands, said: “The successful completion of the Blue Green Infrastructure project at Valley Road Park is testament to the team’s capabilities and expertise in delivering high quality flood defence schemes for our customers, on time and to budget.
“Through the Scape framework, the scheme has provided extensive benefits for the local community, not only by reducing flood risk to 160 nearby properties, but also improving biodiversity by incorporating green space into the design.