Labour has held on to two City Council seats following the by-elections which took place on Thursday 7 October.
Nayab Patel has been elected as a new councillor for the Sherwood ward while Corall Jenkins will represent St Ann’s.
The political makeup of the City Council remains at:
- 50 Labour councillors
- 3 Independent
- 2 Conservative
The full by-election results are as follows:
Sherwood ward result
PATEL Nayab Abdul Hamid (Labour) – 1174 votes (ELECTED)
BARRATT Colin Leslie Allen (Nottingham Independents Putting Sherwood First) – 629
PRYOR Alfred Stephen (Conservative) – 320
SIBERT Catriona Helen Kate (Green) – 195
THOMAS Geraint (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 76
ROUSE Alison (Liberal Democrat) – 63
Turnout – 22.31%
St Ann’s ward result
JENKINS Corall Joy (Labour) – 1048 votes (ELECTED)
LARI Francesco (Nottingham Independents Putting St Ann`s First) – 204
TRAN Ngoc Thanh (Conservative) – 193
COULSON Barbara Joy (Green) – 92
HOUSLEY James (Liberal Democrat) – 40
CHADWICK Florence Sophia (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 24
Turnout 14.18%