A residential home run by Nottingham City Council has been praised for the quality of care it gives to older people.
Inspectors say The Oaks Residential Home in St Ann’s offers a safe and supportive environment, where people are treated as individuals with dignity and respect.
The quality of leadership was also praised following the inspection in January 2017 by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), which regulates health and social care services in England.
Staff were described by inspectors as “kind, compassionate and patient”.
The Oaks was awarded another ‘Good’ rating after previously being rated as ‘Good’ – which means all services run for elderly and vulnerable people by the City Council continue to be judged ‘Good’, based on whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.
Councillor Alex Norris, Portfolio Holder for Adults and Health, said: “I’m delighted that The Oaks has been recognised again as continuing to provide high-quality care for local residents. It’s a valuable asset in the heart of St Ann’s.
“The City Council is committed to providing the best facilities for older people and vulnerable adults. Our citizens expect nothing less. I’m proud that all of the services provided by the city council continue to be rated as ‘Good’. We will continue to work hard to ensure these high standards are maintained.”
Inspectors paid the unannounced visit to The Oaks on 25 January. The home, on Campbell Street, has space for 42 adults over six units with their own separate lounges and dining areas. A new Acorn Wing opened in August 2015 with 10 bedrooms designed especially for people with dementia and physical frailties. Each bedroom has its own colour scheme, a specialist bed that can be adjusted to cater for individual needs, dementia-friendly furniture and a refurbished en-suite shower room.
The inspection report found The Oaks to be ‘Good’ in every area.
It stated: “People we spoke with were complimentary of the staff working in the service and the kindness they showed. We observed staff stopping to speak to people throughout the day, checking if they were OK and taking an interest in their day. There was a calm, friendly and inclusive feeling throughout the service.”
People were well protected from avoidable harm and felt safe.
The report also said people commented positively on the way the home was run and that one relative told them: “It would be impossible for me to find an alternative home as good as The Oaks.”
The other council-run services that are rated ‘Good’ by the CQC are:
- Oakdene Residential Care Home, Woodborough Rd, St Anns Nottingham
- JackDawe Dementia Home, Citywide service based at Aspect House, Bulwell, Nottingham
- Cherry Trees Residential Home, Chippenham Rd, Bestwood Park, Nottingham
- Shared Lives Service (adult fostering) Citywide service based at Loxley House
- Social Care Reablement Service, Citywide service based at Aspect House, Bulwell, Nottingham
The full report on The Oaks can be found at the CQC website at https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-166027589