Resurfacing works are taking place on the junction of Abbey Street and Gregory Street on the half term weekend of Friday 21 – Monday 24 October.
Localised resurfacing works are due to take place to repair and refresh the surface of the road. These works were initially scheduled for August but were postponed due to the level of disruption they would cause at the time.
Detailed information about diversions and closures will be sent to businesses and residents in the lead up to each set of works.
Access to businesses and residences will be maintained during this period, as will access to the Martinmas Fayre at Priory Park & Priory Church of St Anthony on Saturday 22 October.
Some bus routes may be affected, Nottingham Trams will continue to run as normal with the option of using one of NET’s free Park and Ride sites to travel in to the city. Anyone attending the Nottingham Forest home match against Cardiff City on Saturday 22 October at 5.30pm should allow additional time for their journey. Please check with your public transport service provider for the latest information.
Councillor McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Business, Growth and Transport, said: “This is a busy junction and rather than let the road wear down any further or require emergency works, we’ve taken a proactive approach which finishes this quickly.
“Conducting these works overnight and on a weekend means less disruption and better quality long term, which I’m sure everyone can be pleased about.”
While Nottingham City Council has tried to time these works to minimise traffic disruption, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.