Nottingham City Council has teamed up with specialist substance use, recovery and treatment providers to support people in Nottingham.
Framework Housing Association, on behalf of the Nottingham Recovery Network (NRN), will work with a number of key organisations, including Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Double Impact and Al Hurraya to deliver adult community-based treatment and recovery services at sites across the city for people who use alcohol and drugs.
They will also provide harm reduction and specialist sexual health services for vulnerable people – this is currently known as The Health Shop.
Change, Grow, Live, known as Jigsaw, has a new name chosen by young people in Nottingham and will officially become ‘The Place’. This service will deliver a prevention, support and treatment service for young people and young adults, with a new focus on people aged between 18 and 25 who use alcohol and drugs.
The refreshed service will focus on recovery, as well as providing support for families, carers and loved ones affected by someone’s drug or alcohol use and improve family involvement in care where people request it.
Councillor Linda Woodings, Nottingham City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health, said: “Substance use can cause significant harm, not only to the user but family, friends and loved ones as well. It can lead to more people having other health-related conditions, and increase the chances of hospital admissions and debt.
“We are committed to working with the Nottingham Recovery Network and Change, Grow, Live to ensure that the new services are accessible, meet the needs of our diverse communities and deliver successful outcomes to change people’s lives for the better.”
The new services started on the first of October and will be available to everybody impacted by substance use who lives in Nottingham.
Adults can access same-day assessment and support for substance use through Nottingham Recovery Network. People can self-refer or get another trusted person to refer them through the website, by phone 0800 066 5362, or drop into the Wellbeing Hub, 73 Hounds Gate, Nottingham NG1 6BB.
Young people and young adults under 25 can access support for substance use through Change, Grow, Live (CGL) The Place. People can self-refer or get another trusted person to refer them through the website or by phone 0115 948 4314.
Advice, support or harm reduction around drugs (such as needle exchange, blood-borne virus screening) and sexual health, is available at Health Shop at 12 Broad Street, Nottingham, NG1 3AL.