Nottingham City Council will soon be carrying out planned resurfacing work on Queens Drive to ensure it remains safe for all road users.
The work will be carried out in two phases and will take place outside normal working hours to minimise disruption. Phase one will be taking place on the inbound lanes between Clifton Boulevard (A52) and the electricity sub station which is 200 metres beyond the junction with Electric Avenue.
The work will begin on Tuesday 18 April and is expected to take around four days to complete. The work will take place outside normal working hours from 7pm to 5am.
For the duration of the work access to the city centre will be available via the Clifton Boulevard flyover. A temporary diversion will be put in place and well signed.
The following restrictions will be in place:
- Closure of Queens Drive from the roundabout at Clifton Boulevard to the sub station
- Closure of Electric Avenue slip road for traffic accessing the Queens Drive and for the Park and Ride and Site and Clifton Boulevard.
Phase two will be taking place on the inbound lanes between Castle Bridge Road and Waterway Street. It will begin on Monday 24 April and is expected to take around four days to complete. The work will take place outside normal working hours from 7pm to 5am.
The work will proceed without any temporary diversions but lane closures will be place during the work.
Councillor Nick McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Growth, Jobs and Transport at Nottingham City Council, said:
“This scheme forms part of the City Council’s highway maintenance programme and the works being carried out ensure that Queens Drive continues to be safe for all road users. Works will take place outside normal working hours to minimise disruption to traffic. We would like to thank people for their continued patience while works continue on our roads.
“Nottingham has one of the best integrated transport systems in the UK and proactive road maintenance works like this play a vital part in keeping the traffic moving, making roads safer and improving journey times. This is important for drivers, businesses and public transport.”