A public health alert has been issued by Chris Kenny, Director of Public Health for Nottinghamshire:
“Following the six drug-related deaths in Nottinghamshire recently, Crime Reduction Initiatives (the local service provider for drug misusers) is conducting an internal enquiry into all the possible causes in order to gain a better understanding of the situation.
“At this point it is not possible to exclude the risk of stronger / higher purity heroin. As such, CRI has contacted service users, staff and key stakeholders including pharmacies, the police, A&E departments, GPs and other local charities, alerting them of the situation and encouraging the communication of messages to minimise the harm when taking heroin.”
Advice from Nottingham City Council:
If you are worried that you, or someone you know, has a drug problem or might be affected by this, please talk to your GP.
If you are currently receiving treatment and have concerns, please talk to your service provider.
The Health Shop provides services such as one-2-one support, needle exchange, harm reduction advice, condoms and the morning after pill. Call them on 0115 947 5414, or drop in to see them at 12 Broad Street, Hockley, Nottingham, NG1 3AL or visit the Health Shop website here.
You can also find more information on our website here.