A Nottingham primary school has been praised for the way it ‘revitalises and improves’ the quality of education for pupils.
Ofsted inspectors said the head teacher and senior leadership team at Melbury Primary in Bilborough had worked ‘tirelessly’ and ‘strenuously’ to drive up standards.
Following an inspection visit in March, the education watchdog highlighted the way leaders and governors have established a culture of high expectations for pupils, especially in their personal development and behaviour. Pupils respond well to these high expectations and consistently demonstrate positive attitudes to learning and to the school.
Inspectors said: “Pupils behave well, enjoy school, act safely and show respect for the safety of others. Relationships throughout the school are very good.”
Awarding a judgment of ‘Good’ to the primary, the inspectors added: “In all year groups, teachers and teaching assistants ensure that pupils adopt positive attitudes to learning and to school. Consequently, lessons are stress free. Pupils respond calmly and sensibly to teachers’ instructions and make good use of their time in lessons. These positive aspects help pupils progress well in their learning.”
In particular, inspectors highlighted:
- The head teacher has worked tirelessly with senior leaders, governors and staff to ensure that the school continues to improve
- All parents who met inspectors indicated that they hold the school in high regard
- Good-quality staff training, coaching and development is provided by school leaders and through the Nottingham Schools Trust. This has helped ensure that the quality of teaching and the use of assessment are good
- Leaders and staff provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is enhanced by an impressive range of enrichment activities and experiences for pupils
- Safeguarding is effective. Pupils, staff, parents and carers agree that the school is safe
- Pupils’ behaviour around school is invariably good. Pupils attend regularly, enjoy school, work hard and concentrate in lessons.
Ofsted previously rated the school in Melbury Road, which caters for 228 pupils aged 3-11, as ‘Good’.
Commenting on the inspection, Head Teacher Judith Kemplay said: “We are delighted that all the hard work and commitment of the staff, children, parents and governors has been recognised and the fabulous behaviour of our children was noted.”
Nick Lee, Director of Education in Nottingham, said: “It’s always a pleasure to see such positive comments about one of our city schools. This is down to hard work from staff, pupils and governors. They should all be so proud of their hard work and dedication.
“The council is working closely with partners from across the city to ensure that every child can go to a school that is rated as ‘Good’ or better.”
The full report can be read on the Ofsted website.