Ping!, the innovative ping pong festival will be back on the streets of Nottingham this summer with tables popping up across the city anywhere with sites including Clifton Playing Fields and Nottingham Station.

While the emphasis is very much on playing, the project also wants to encourage a team of volunteers to help spread the word about this social, sometimes competitive, ever addictive sport.
A volunteer introduction event is being held at Das Kino (near the Lace Market tram stop) on Thursday 16 June from 7pm until 9pm.
Part of the session will include a nod to the current European Football Championships with ‘Ping! when you’re winning’ – potential volunteers are encouraged to don football shirts, paint their faces or wear colours of their favourite team while making use of the Ping! tables at the venue.
They can also enjoy a complimentary drink and some pizza whilst learning how to play their part in Some-Ping! special this summer.
Area Development Lead and Project Leader – Mark Willerton from Table Tennis England said “Free table tennis may be enough to get most people playing but others may need some help or encouragement before stepping up. This is why we want lots of enthusiastic volunteers to encourage them and give them a great experience of the sport. ‘Ping! when you’re winning’ is a brilliant way to get our volunteers talking to each other and enjoying playing and we hope they want to get involved and will take this enthusiasm out to the people of Nottingham.”
Ping! Nottingham will provide volunteers with training, a Ping! t-shirt, bats and balls. They can volunteer as many or as few hours as they choose. This could be as little as one hour a week to fit round other commitments or as much as every day if they have more time off in the summer.
There are the three main volunteer roles; Ping! All Rounder, Table Activators, and Ping! Coaches. There is lots of information on the roles at the project website
Hugh White, Director of Sports, Culture and Parks said: “Ping! Nottingham was incredibly popular in the city last year and I’m so glad we are getting behind it again, with more tables and more opportunities to play. It’s such an easy sport to get involved in and a great way to meet new people. It’s enjoyable at any level, and you can just grab a bat and get playing. Having tables for play right across the city is also a great way to experience some of our wonderful parks and city centre venues. Find a partner at the table or bring your family and friends along!”
Those interested in playing a part in Ping! Nottingham this summer and would like to attend the training evening should contact Volunteer Coordinator Rob Lamb: or 07771 394120. It’s also fine to drop in on the evening. Potential volunteers that can’t attend the event but would still like to be involved, should also get in touch.
Notes to editors:
About Ping!
Ping! is funded by the national lottery through Sport England with the aim to get more people physically active. It is managed by Table Tennis England, the sport’s National Governing Body and is delivered through a range of partnerships with City Councils, Local Authorities, County Sport Partnerships, Volunteers, Arts Organisations and Sing London
For more information please call Donna Marshall – Communication and Marketing Officer on 0115 8764443 or email