A busy city centre route is to have its paving upgraded from next week.
Nottingham City Council’s Highway Services will carry out improvement works on Byard Lane – a pedestrianised street which links Bridlesmithgate with Fletchergate and the Lace Market. The work will involve replacing the existing slabs with high quality riven York Stone paving.
The work is expected to begin on Monday 28 March. It is anticipated that the work will take around eight weeks and will be carried out between 7.30am to 5pm weekdays, 8am to 5pm Saturdays and 9am to 5pm Sundays.
Temporary access restrictions will be needed at times, but pedestrian access will be maintained to shops and other premises.
Anyone with any special requirements or who needs more information should call 0115 915 2000.
Councillor Nick McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Growth, Jobs and Transport, said: “This is a primary access route from the city centre to the Lace Market and has a number of thriving shops and other businesses. This busy street will benefit greatly from this much-needed improvement.
“We would like to thank city centre visitors, local residents and businesses in advance for their patience and cooperation while these works to improve this pedestrian area are taking place. Access to local businesses will always be maintained.”
For further information please contact Ruth Stallwood, Nottingham City Council Communications Team, on 0115 876 2900or by email at ruth.stallwood@nottinghamcity.gov.uk