Parking charges at Wollaton Hall and Deer Park are due to rise from Wednesday 2 August, the first increase on the site in six years.
Revenue from parking charges is used to maintain the Park and has helped fund major improvements that have already taken place and those planned in future.
Parking for up to three hours will now be £3 and for over three hours/all day, £5, an increase of £1 for each category.
Income from parking has been used to supplement vital improvements including the Park’s main playground and new smaller playground area at Sutton Passeys as well additional café facilities created with another café area coming soon. It also supports annual maintenance work carried out including the tree works on Lime Tree Avenue.
Councillor Dave Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, said: “The small increase in parking charges has been made alongside consultation with users on improvements they would like to see in the park. The additional funds from parking mean we can continue with our plans to improve facilities at Wollaton for the many visitors who love coming to the site.”