About Nottingham Together, Let’s Talk
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Our partnership
The resources on this website have been developed through a partnership project between Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire Police. We are grateful to the many groups, organisations and individuals who have worked in partnership with us, especially:
- Difficult Conversations Group
- Communities Inc
- Nottingham Women’s Voices
- Small Steps Big Changes
- Toy Library
- Nottingham Women’s Centre
- Trust Building Project
The funding for this project has come from the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014 – 2020).
Our approach
This project began in 2017 with a specific aim of ‘equipping people with the skills and confidence to effectively respond to prejudice’.
Often people tell us they want to respond to prejudice – but they don’t feel confident enough or they don’t know what to say.
To overcome this barrier, over 1000 hours of consultation and conversations have taken place with over 650 Nottingham people to understand their lived experiences of responding to prejudice and what works. So the resources offered on this website aim to reflect the knowledge and experience of Nottingham people.
These resources are also the result of extensive research into different models and theories of communication, behaviour change and anti-prejudice work from across the world. This includes:
- Non-Violent Communication (Compassionate Communication)
- Behaviour Change Theory
- Cohesion and conversations projects nationally and internationally
- Marketing tools
- Political Canvassing
- Gender, disability and race awareness raising
- Listening support help-lines
- Climate Change Communications
- Hope Not Hate
- Tim Parry and Jonathan Bell from the Peace Foundation
The hours of consultation and conversation covered many themes, but one key principle kept emerging… arguing does not work!
If we want to respond to prejudice and change attitudes, the most effective way to do this, is through talking and listening to each other. Through talking you can question people’s behaviour, change perspectives and educate. This takes time but remember – you are planting a seed of change in people’s minds.

Nottingham City Hate Crime Strategy
If you would like to understand more of the work taking place to tackle Hate Crime in Nottingham please see our full strategy document here.