The second in a series of free events exploring opportunities within Nottingham’s emerging clean technology sector takes place on Thursday 26 November.
Sponsored by Nottingham City Council, the CleanTech Business Network will host six events this year with the aim to promote and support Nottingham’s clean tech economy.
The next event, called ‘Nottingham – Ultra Low Emission City,’ will take place in the new Nottingham Sustainability and Enterprise Centre with presentations from key influencers.
This event focuses on Nottingham’s ambitious ‘Ultra Low Emission City’ vision to encourage the use of ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEVs) such as electric and plug in hybrid vehicles. Details will be presented of The Council’s £7 million programme aimed at promoting the uptake of ULEVs as a key part of its integrated transport network.
As well as a presentation from Nottingham City Council, Cenex the Independent, low carbon technology consultants will also give an overview of the global trend towards low emission vehicles. Local business, DG Cars will share their experiences of using electric and hybrid vehicles as part of their fleet. They will also outline how the anonymous data from their vehicle tracking systems will be used to monitor traffic movement in the city, to help reduce congestion and air pollution.
Councillor Nick McDonald, Nottingham City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Growth, Jobs and Transport said: “Nottingham is establishing itself as the UK’s greenest transport city. Introducing low carbon and low emission transport options is a key part of this. The City Council and many organisations in Nottingham are working successfully towards this. The Clean Tech events are great way of bringing like-minded organisations and people together to share ideas and get new ideas off the ground.”
Event organiser Neil Horsley of CleanTech Business Ltd, said: “Nottingham has long been one of the UK’s leading cities in relation to its transport and energy policies. This event offers a chance to hear from a number of local businesses and the City Council as to the economic and environmental benefits of moving towards the greater use of low emission vehicles, such as electric and plug-in hybrids, on our roads.”
For a place at this event please register here Nottingham- Ultra Low Emission City
The event is sponsored by Nottingham City Council and The D2N2 Growth Hub.
Future events will cover themes such as smart cities, local energy companies, innovation and energy from waste.
For further information about Clean Tech events event contact
Neil Horsley
CleanTech Business Ltd
Antenna Centre, Beck Street, Nottingham, NG1 1EQ
Email –
Web Site –
Mobile – 0797 279 7793 Landline +44(0) 115 9375423
For further information please contact Ruth Stallwood, Nottingham City Council Communications Team, on 0115 876 2900 or by email at