Nottingham City Council has been awarded top place in a national benchmarking survey that measures the public satisfaction with local highways and transport.
The National Highways & Transport (NHT) Network Satisfaction Survey was carried out in 106 local authority areas by Ipsos MORI. Nottingham received the highest overall public satisfaction score nationally for the third time having been previously ranked the highest overall Authority in both 2010 and 2014.
The survey examined a wide range of highway and transport themes which include accessibility, public transport, walking / cycling, tackling congestion, road safety and highway maintenance. Nottingham achieved the top rating in the following categories: local bus services, public transport information and traffic management.
These results are also supported by the latest DfT statistics which state that Nottingham also continues to have the second highest bus use per head of population in the UK behind Brighton & Hove and ahead of Reading.
Councillor Nick McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Business, Growth and Transport said: “We are absolutely delighted that Nottingham people have again responded so positively to the highway and transport services that we provide in the City. It shows that the investment we are continually making to improve our infrastructure, create greener transport options and to promote integrated transport services is benefitting local people.
Development on our local bus services, which we are able to provide through close working relationships with the local bus providers, integrated ticketing, and low-carbon transport are vital to providing great transport options and are also important to businesses to encourage economic growth which enable us to succeed as a city.”