Newly Qualified Teachers who have completed their one-year induction in schools across the city were celebrating at an awards event earlier this week.
Nottingham City Council held its first ever end-of-year presentation evening for the 181 NQTs. It’s now onwards and upwards as they progress into full-time positions as first year teachers.
Pat and Sarah Fielding, Directors of Education at the council, hosted the event to congratulate the NQTs and wish them the best of luck as they embark on challenging and rewarding careers in teaching.
All newly qualified teachers employed in a school must by law complete an induction period to be able to teach, to make sure they’re prepared for teaching in different areas of the education sector. The induction is a personalised programme of development, support, with monitoring and performance assessments.
Inductions help all NQTs to develop the knowledge and skills they gained during initial teacher training, it helps them to meet national standards and is used as a base for them to build on. All induction programmes are planned and reviewed with the NQTs so they are tailored to their different needs.
Councillor Sam Webster, Portfolio Holder for Schools said: “Nottingham City Council is extremely proud of the NQTs who have worked hard to qualify. We look forward to witnessing and sharing their continued success as they further develop their careers. The sky truly is the limit for these determined and successful individuals. I wish them the best of luck in the future.
“We are always looking for ambitious and talented teachers to work in Nottingham’s schools. People from all different backgrounds can train to be teachers and we have a range of teaching courses available in Nottingham. I’d encourage people to consider teaching as a career”