Plans to enable a new Central Library to be included in the Broadmarsh Car Park development have been approved by Nottingham City Council’s Planning Committee.
The Planning Committee approved adapted plans for the new Broadmarsh Car Park building to accommodate space for the new Central Library.
The plans follow a public consultation which highlighted overwhelming support for a new, bespoke Central Library befitting of Nottingham’s status as a UNESCO City of Literature.
A new library could become an exciting new destination in the revitalised Broadmarsh area, which includes the new look intu Broadmarsh, the world class heritage destination of Nottingham Castle and the new Nottingham College City Hub. The new Central Library would benefit from the pedestrianised surrounding streets and being close to the train station, tram and bus services, new parking facilities and improved cycle and pedestrian links.
Central Library facilities will still be provided at Angel Row as plans are formed and confirmed for the new library. These plans could eventually lead to the sale and redevelopment of the Angel Row site. More detailed work will now take place around design and costings for the new Central Library.
The location of the Central Library in the new Broadmarsh Car Park building means the removal of a small number of proposed retail units for the new Broadmarsh Car Park and the re-location of the secure cycle hub.
Councillor Dave Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Localities, said: “Although a final decision to develop a new library has yet to be made, the approval is great news for the city. So many cities and towns across the UK are closing libraries, and we’re investing in ours as we know what a precious resource they are for the people of Nottingham.
“Bringing the Central Library to the new Broadmarsh area and providing a high quality children’s library would not just an investment in the area but in the city’s future, adding culture to the retail and leisure mix. I am sure a new library would be a fantastic addition to what are already exciting plans for the Broadmarsh area.”