Awards will be presented next week to groups from 49 Nottingham neighbourhoods who are busy brightening up their area through gardening. They will celebrate their achievements at a presentation event at St Leo’s Church in Basford on Wednesday (23rd Sept).
A wide range of groups work hard to help improve their own patch of the city, including streets, sheltered housing complexes, community gardens and libraries. Many have their efforts recognised officially by entering the non-competitive ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ awards, which are part of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Britain in Bloom campaign.
Each group will receive a certificate presented by Jeff Bates, Chair of East Midlands in Bloom.
Councillor Malcolm Wood, Chair of the Nottingham in Bloom Working Group, says: “There’s some outstanding work going on in the community and it’s wonderful to recognise it through this national award scheme, which celebrates the efforts of those who work together to improve their local environment. Groups who participate often report other benefits, too, such as improved pride and community spirit and a reduction in anti-social behaviour.”
The awards also give a training opportunity to Horticulture students from Nottingham Trent University’s Brackenhurst campus, who volunteer as assessors and spend time in July visiting the groups and allocating marks for three criteria: gardening, environmental responsibility and community participation. Members of established IYN groups also step up to be assessors, giving them an opportunity to share their experience and knowledge.
Press photographers welcome at 2.15pm on Wednesday 23rd September at St Leo’s Church, Church Street, Basford.