City Council staff who worked over the weekend to provide vital services such as road gritting and support for vulnerable people have been praised by the Council’s Leader.

Councillor Jon Collins said: “Nottingham was hit by snow over the weekend for the second time this month but Council staff were once again up to the task.

“Our gritting crews have been out around the clock over the last couple of days in difficult conditions and have done a great job making sure main roads were safe to use. We’ve also had teams out treating pavements and shop fronts as well as filling local grit bins.

“Praise too for Nottingham City Transport and Trent Barton buses who were able to operate a decent service despite some inevitable delays due to the snow and ice.

“Our Community Protection Officers have been out and about day and night looking out for vulnerable people sleeping rough on the streets, working with Framework’s Street Outreach team to get them the support they need.”

More information on Winter weather services including gritting routes, grit bin locations and support for vulnerable people is available at

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