Nottingham people are being urged to have their say on Nottingham City Council’s new Local Plan which will guide how the city will develop over the next 20 years.

Part two of the Local Plan is now at an advanced stage. This important Council document identifies potential new development sites and what they will be used for, as well as where development should be avoided, such as sites of nature conservation and heritage value.

It sets out policies on where new buildings can be built, how they will be used and how they will look.

Planning officers and members of the Planning Committee will use this document and the policies in it when deciding whether to allow or refuse planning permissions.

Part one of the Local Plan (the Nottingham City Aligned Core Strategy) was adopted in September 2014 and included strategic policies, such as the amount of housing and employment land that Nottingham needs in the coming years.

From 29 January, residents and business representatives can comment on a variety of topics, including the Council’s approach to supporting a vibrant city centre, flood risk as well as protecting the local environment.

Councillor Jane Urquhart, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing, said: “It’s important that people don’t miss out on this opportunity to be involved in shaping our city’s future.

“The new Local Plan will identify opportunities for growth and set out guidance on the development that will be permitted and where it will go.”

Responses to this consultation will be summarised and submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination alongside the Plan and supporting documents later this year. The Inspector will decide whether any changes need to be made to the Plan.

For more information and to fill in your online response, go to

Papers copies of the Plan are available to view at all city libraries and at the Council’s offices at Loxley House.

The deadline for responses is 5pm on 11 March 2016.