Families in Nottingham are being invited to give their views on the way services are delivered in children’s centres.
Nottingham City Council is asking parents to comment on whether a greater partnership could be created between schools and children’s centres which are based on the same site.
Schools would take over the running of the buildings – and all services offered by the children’s centres would continue. But some services could usefully be moved out of children’s centres and into other local venues such as libraries and community centres.
No children’s centres would close – but services would be reorganised and delivered in partnership to make better use of council buildings while continuing to meet community need. By working in partnership with schools, the children’s centres could provide additional space for school meeting rooms and classrooms.
The four-week consultation will also allow people to put forward their own ideas for how they would like to access services in children’s centres.
Cllr David Mellen, Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, said: “Providing help, support and advice to families is one of our top priorities, but we think that we can make better use of some of our children’s centre buildings by working in partnership with schools. Our proposal would see all of the services continue – and no children’s centres would be closed – but this could help us to provide more provision for schools while ensuring our children’s centres continue their important role in our early intervention work.
“But it is vital that we get the views of parents that currently use these centres for health and family support clinics or sessions for young children and their parents and carers. Your thoughts are so important for us to get an idea of the best way forward.”
The survey can be filled in online here https://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/childrenscentres2015hys. It should only take five minutes and entries will be put into a prize draw to win either an iPad Mini, a family pass to Peppa Pig World or a family pass to Alton Towers.
Survey forms are also available inside children’s centres and have been sent out to groups and individuals that use the centres. The consultation will close on 20 April.