Remaining finishing works at the junction of Queen’s Road East and University Boulevard are to take place over the school summer holidays to minimise disruption to motorists.
Completion of the works, which include the construction of new utilities manholes, will mark another step towards the completion of the tram extension project.
Whilst the work is carried out at the junction from the evening of Friday, July 24, trams will continue to be put through the final stages of testing on the new line to Beeston and Chilwell.
However, temporary restrictions and diversions will be needed for other road users for approximately three weeks. This will enable traffic to continue to turn left from University Boulevard into Queen’s Road East and straight on from Woodside Road into University Boulevard.
Some bus services which would normally travel through the junction may also be diverted.
A spokesman for the NET Phase Two Project explained: “The remaining work at the junction has been held back until the start of the summer holidays when local roads are traditionally quieter, and every effort is being made to minimise disruption.
“However, we apologise for any inconvenience and would ask for people to consider an alternative route in or out of the city centre and allow extra time for the journey.
“The work will not have an impact on tram testing as the new lines to Chilwell and Clifton are prepared for the start of passenger services shortly.”
Councillor Jane Urquhart, with lead responsibility for NET at Nottingham City Council, added: “The extended system from Chilwell is providing a 1,300-space Park and Ride site off junction 25 of the M1, which will mean that many commuters who travel into the city via Queen’s Road and University Boulevard, where these works will take place, will have the option of leaving their cars and getting the tram into the city on a fast and frequent service.
“The tram extensions to Clifton and Chilwell will link people to key employment sites and services and will create jobs, both directly and indirectly, and are already helping to spark regeneration in the city. Unfortunately these works are likely to cause some disruption in the short term over the next couple of weeks so, where possible, people would be best to consider alternative routes, but we’ll be working to support the contractor to try to minimise this disruption as far as possible.”