Learning is more fun when the whole family’s involved – that’s the verdict from users of Nottingham City Council’s Family and Community Learning Service.
Today, the service is celebrating after receiving a glowing report from Ofsted inspectors. The service received a ‘Good’ rating following a 3-day inspection in February.
Inspectors were impressed that a high proportion of learners who complete non-accredited family learning courses achieve their learning aims and develop good skills, which they use well in their home life and in helping their children with schoolwork.
Family Learning is delivered in schools, children’s centres and community venues across Nottingham. It offers learning activities related to everyday life, where families can find out what their children are being taught in schools and also develop their skills to better support them.
Nottingham City Council receives funding from the Skills Funding Agency to deliver Family and Community Learning across the city. It does this through subcontracting provision to local colleges and training providers
Speaking about the success, Councillor Nick McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Jobs and Growth, said: “We’re delighted that the family learning approach is enhancing the skills of so many and helping children to get a head start. A love of learning is the essential foundation for children to continue their education journey. Ensuring the city has the right skills to match employment opportunities in Nottingham means that everyone benefits.
“We’d also like to thank all the subcontractors and partners who work tirelessly with the service to deliver a strong provision to our Nottingham city residents.”
Family and Community Learning offers a range of programmes that respond to the needs of current and potential learners within areas of greatest social and economic disadvantage across the City and groups of excluded learners.
The learning opportunities allow participants to increase their knowledge, raise aspirations, develop their skills and provide personal fulfilment.
During the last academic year, Family and Community Learning delivered 150 courses in over 60 venues to 1,124 learners.
Raising ambition and attainment is one of Nottingham City Council’s top priorities. The Education Improvement Strategy sets out the Council’s commitment to act as a champion for children, young people and their parent/carers.
The full report is available to download by searching Nottingham City Council on the Ofsted website https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk
More information on Family and Community Learning and how to access the service can be found at https://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/Learn. The Education Improvement Strategy can be found at https://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/education