Nottingham City Council and Nottingham City Homes have taken possession of a house used for drug dealing after the tenant disrupted his neighbours’ lives with serious anti-social behaviour.
The house where Dean Brodell, aged 39, lived on Crammond Close, The Meadows, was already subject to a Closure Order to prevent problems recurring at the property. Now Brodell has been evicted from the property.
This follows numerous complaints from local residents about the property being used for illegal drug dealing, as well as fights taking place and drug dealers attacking the property and breaking windows. There were complaints of noise nuisance and visitors at the property at all times of the day and night which neighbours found intimidating. Members of the local community felt unsafe and fearful of individuals who were visiting the property.
Due to reports of drug dealing, a drugs warrant was executed on 17 March 2017. Fifteen wraps of crack cocaine and a quantity of loose mamba, a synthetic cannabinoid, were found on Brodell, who also assaulted a police officer. He was subsequently charged with possession of crack cocaine and heroin with intent to supply, possession of a psychoactive substance with intent to supply, and assaulting a police officer. He received 18 months’ imprisonment, suspended for 21 months, along with a drug rehabilitation order.
At Nottingham County Court on 27 November 2017, the District Judge considered evidence provided by Community Protection, Nottingham City Homes and Nottinghamshire Police, before awarding the local authority outright possession.
Portfolio Holder for Community and Customer Services, Councillor Toby Neal, said: “This was a man carrying out drug operations from his house which in itself is grounds for eviction. His behaviour also impacted unacceptably on his neighbours and so I’m pleased we were able to gain a closure order as well as possession of the property so that residents can resume the peaceful life which they are entitled to.”
Kathy Sheldon, Assistant Director for Tenancy and Estate Services at Nottingham City Homes, said: “We take a tough stance on anti-social behaviour and criminal activity. Our residents tell us that drug activity is still a problem in some areas and working closely with Nottinghamshire Police and Community Protection, we are determined to rid our estates of drugs.
“This case shows we mean business. I hope this case, and many others like it, sends out a strong message to the minority of residents that commit this kind of crime. We do not tolerate drugs in our properties, and we will take action. I am pleased that the residents of Crammond Close can now enjoy their homes in peace.”
The eviction followed the successful court applications for the original Closure order. A further application was made to Nottingham Magistrates’ Court for an extension to allow the criminal matters to be dealt with at the Crown Court.
In total, the court granted the closure of the property for the maximum of period of six months, due to the serious issues of antisocial behaviour and criminality at the address.
This allowed new powers to pursue a mandatory ground for possession utilising the same evidence used within the Closure applications before the Magistrates’ Court, but this time issuing proceedings before the Nottingham County Court. This was the first time that such powers have been utilised in The Meadows.
Inspector Donna Lawton, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Dean Brodell’s property became a constant source of serious antisocial behaviour, drug dealing, and unlawful activity. Nottinghamshire Police, Nottingham City Council and Nottingham City Homes received constant complaints from concerned residents.
“This was having a dramatic impact on the local community, and residents within the local community witnessed fighting between rival drug dealers, rival gangs attacking the property, noise nuisance and drug users frequenting the local area. Local residents were so concerned that some considered moving out of The Meadows due to fear of what had witnessed. They were unable to sleep, concerned about being approached by local drug users often begging for money.
“This behaviour instigated a multi-agency response and working with Nottingham City Council and Nottingham City Homes action was taken to protect local residents utilising both civil and criminal powers ranging from police operations at the address, closure orders and now the eviction. The community has noticed a marked improvement since the civil and criminal actions and we have received letters of thanks for our efforts.”