Most Nottingham residents continue to be satisfied with the way the City Council runs things and believe the council provides value for money, according to the latest research.
The Citizens’ Survey 2015 shows overall satisfaction with the council stands at 71%, while 62% agree that the council provides value for money.
Satisfaction with the cleanliness of the city centre is up 1% to 83%, with 71% of people satisfied with cleanliness in their local area.
The percentage of people who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live is 85%, 76% speak highly about Nottingham and 92% would recommend it as a place to live.
Other headline findings include:
• 88% feel that their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together

• 69% of respondents who had recently contacted the Council were satisfied with the way they had been dealt with

• 87% of respondents find Council information easy to understand

• 75% of respondents feel well informed about Council services and benefits

• 28% are struggling with or not keeping up with bills

• 33% want a job, more work or better work.
On the health front, the percentage of people who smoke continues to fall, dropping another 4% to 24%, though it remains well above the national average of 18%.  A total of 60% drink alcohol.
City Council Leader Councillor Jon Collins said: “Satisfaction with council services remains high and, over the years, has increased from just over 50% back in 2008.  Nottingham maintains its official status as the Cleanest City in Britain, so it’s not surprising to see that most people continue to be happy with the cleanliness of the city centre and their local area.

“We have some very hard-working employees who take great pride in the services they provide and these figures reflect the hard work they continue to put in despite continuing Government cuts.  We will never be complacent about how well we are serving local people, but we’re building on a strong foundation.”
The Nottingham Citizens’ Survey gathers citizens’ perceptions of a variety of subjects including quality of life, health and well-being, community cohesion, feelings about Nottingham and satisfaction with the council.  It can be viewed at  Other council surveys and consultations are available at