Nottingham City Council is encouraging people to take part in a series of events to mark Mental Health Awareness Weeks, which are taking place between 10 – 21 October.
Mental Health Awareness Weeks (MHAW) was started in Nottingham in 1992 by a small group of carers and service uses. Since then and thanks to the enthusiastic support of many individuals and organisations, it has grown from a one week to two-week programme of events and timed to include World Mental Health Day on 10 October.
This year will see MHAW celebrating their 30th year, with a series of events taking place across the city, bringing people together from all backgrounds, to promote a greater understanding and awareness of mental health. Events include art, music, film, drama, therapies and information sessions. The programme of events is open to anyone and to find out more and how you can take part visit:

Councillor Linda Woodings, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health at Nottingham City Council, said: “Raising mental health awareness is really important because it helps to reduce stigma, feelings of isolation, and helps everyone to recognise that mental health is as important as physical health. Good mental wellbeing helps enable people to live a happy and healthy life.
“We would encourage anyone who wants to learn and understand a little more about our own mental health as well as that of those around us, by getting involved and to take part in the MHAW programme of events.”
Pam Abbott from MHAW said: “10 October 2022 marks the 30th Anniversary of Nottingham’s Mental Health Awareness Weeks, as well as the first World Mental Health Day.
“The very first Mental Health Awareness Week was planned to raise awareness within the wider community around the stigma and discrimination faced by people living with mental health distress, and how this discrimination impacted their lives. It was also an opportunity to come together and connect with people.
“One week of events quickly became two, and three decades on Nottingham’s Mental Health Awareness Weeks is as relevant as ever. With ever increasing challenges facing people across wider society it is so important that we reach out to each other and offer support, understanding, and compassion.”
To find out more about local support for mental health, visit: or for local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham, visit