‘Byron 200’ launches across the city with a programme of exhibitions, events and activities that celebrate the sensational life and legacy of Lord Byron through this year, since he died in April 200 years ago. This forms part of a city-wide collaboration with partner organisations: Nottingham City Council’s Newstead Abbey, University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham City of Literature and Visit Nottinghamshire who form part of Marketing Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
The activities kicked off in February inside Newstead Abbey with ‘The Newstead Figurines’ from artist Jemma Gowland who has produced and placed a series of porcelain figures to explore and reflect on the life of the Romantic poet Lord Byron, who once lived at Newstead Abbey. Inside the Historic House, there is also currently a ‘Personal Perspective Film’ and ‘Object of the Month’ researched and presented by Dr Sam Hirst, Academic Fellow, University of Nottingham.
In March, Newstead Abbey will launch ‘Byron: a Sensational Life’, and showcase unique objects and artworks from the extensive Byron collection. Many of these works will have never been on view to the public before, including unique letters, personal objects, first editions of his works, illustrations, and images, telling new and surprising stories of Byron’s life: “The great art of life is sensation – to feel that we exist, even though in pain.” Lord Byron.
Byron’s Bash will follow, in April, where visitors will have the opportunity to dress as Byron to join in the celebrations of Byron, with activities throughout the Historic House and Gardens, inspired by his times at the Abbey. Meet some of his people, his dogs, hear songs, his poems, go on trails and tours, write pledges to nature and maybe catch a glimpse of the man himself!
In June and July, there will be a series of talks and events at the Central Library, Nottingham, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. More details about these will be on the University of Nottingham and the Nottingham City Library websites in the run up to the events.
Throughout August there will be ‘Summer Seas Abbey Adventures’ for families to climb aboard and get ready for some fun adventures through the school holidays at Newstead Abbey.
In September, Newstead Abbey welcomes ‘Heritage Open Day’ on Saturday 7th September, where visitors join us at Newstead to see Byron’s ancestral home and look inside the tomb of Lord Byron’s favourite pet, his beloved dog Boatswain.
Alongside planned exhibitions and events, inside Newstead Abbey’s Historic House, even more activites are happening, including costumes made by final year students of Costume Design & Construction course at Nottingham Trent University, that will be available for visitors to try on.
To complete the Byron 200 year, Newstead Abbey will launch ‘Magical moments, memories and mayhem!’ with Christmas installations inspired by Byron’s last year at Newstead.
There are even more activities being added to the programme over the course of the year. Discover the latest for Byron 200 at: www.newsteadabbey.org.uk/byron-200 and plan your visit.
Those after a broad round up of Byron 200 events from across the city and wider region should head to the Visit Nottinghamshire landing page for the full round up, ideas and inspiration.
Nottingham City Council’s portfolio holder for leisure & culture, Cllr Pavlos Kotsonis, said:
“Nottingham is a rebellious city and home to literary figures with Byron being a prominent one. By celebrating 200 years from the death of Lord Byron we are not only celebrating the work of a great romantic poet but also the places he lived in. Cities around the world that have a link with Byron are planning activities and its great to have been in contact with places like Vyronas municipality in Athens with whom we have signed a friendship agreement but also Messologhi and Argostoli in Greece where the affinity for the great poet runs deep. As a Greek but also a British councillor leading on cultural matters in Nottingham City it gives me great pride to be able to launch this year’s much anticipated Byron programme, which will be populated with a number of activities. Any Byron related work constitutes common cultural heritage for both Britain and the continent, and we are thrilled to showcase to visitors to Nottingham.”
“Unique, specially commissioned artworks from Dunedin, Quebec and Melbourne will shine a new light on Byron’s notorious experience at Newstead with the ghostly Black Friar, supported by one of our partners, Nottingham City of Literature.”
Marketing Nottingham and Nottinghamshire’s Chief Exec, Megan Powell Vreeswijk commented on behalf of Visit Nottinghamshire:
“We’re both delighted and proud to be supporting the Byron 200 campaign with our partners across the city and the wider region this year. Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have an illustrious literary tradition and Lord Byron is a big part of that.
“Literary tourism is an important part of our wider tourism offer here in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The Byron 200 campaign is an excellent opportunity to work with our partners and celebrate one of Notts’ most iconic figures, as well as helping to put our literary tourism offer on the map.
Dr Richard Gaunt, Associate Professor of History at the University of Nottingham, said:
“200 years after his death, Lord Byron’s reputation remains alive and well in Nottingham. The diverse range of bicentenary events draws upon expertise from a wide range of disciplines, providing excellent opportunities for considering Byron’s continuing influence on contemporary society in new and exciting ways.”