Nottingham City Council and its partners Nottinghamshire County Council and Derby City Council have been successful in securing part of a £6m fund through central government’s Go Ultra Low City Scheme to become a regional exemplar for the support and use of ultra low emission vehicles (ULEVs).
There is now an opportunity to attend the first Go Ultra Low Cities forum, on Thursday 16th June 2016 between 11.30am and 2pm, in Nottingham City Centre. The forum marks the start of many free engagement activities with the local public and businesses to discuss the wide reaching proposals that form the region’s Go Ultra Low City programme.
This lunchtime forum will provide opportunities for involvement in this exciting programme, which will see Nottingham and the region take great strides towards becoming an exemplar for ultra low emission vehicles, including private cars, vans, buses, taxis and commercial fleets.
The forum will be opened by Gary Smerdon White, Chief Executive of the Sustainable Travel Collectiveandby the City Council’s Councillor Corall Jenkins, Executive Assistant for Transport. Rasita Chudasama, Principal Transport Planner from Nottingham City Council will outline the scope of the Nottingham Go Ultra Low programme, the benefits and the support available to local businesses. Luke Redfern, Commercial Partnerships Manager at Cenex – the Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cells technologies – will also deliver a presentation on the benefits of ULEV’s, and the charging technologies.
There will be short workshops to gather your thoughts about the barriers and perceptions around ultra low emission vehicle takeup, your views on the programme and, most importantly, how you want tobe involved in accessing the benefits of the Go Ultra Low initiatives.
Councillor Nick McDonald, Nottingham City Council Portfolio Holder for Business, Growth and Transport, said: “Being successful with this £6.1million award enables Nottingham to become an exemplar for low carbon transport demonstrated through greater use of these ultra low emission vehicles for business,commuting and leisure. This funding will shape our vision to become the UK’s greenest transport city, with effective, joined up and environmentally positive transport, it is clear that we have unrivalled ambition to establish the UK’s best sustainable transport offer for residents, visitors and the business community.”
To book your place at this lunchtime event email
The forum – which is the first to be delivered through the new Go Ultra Low City funding stream – is delivered in partnership with the Sustainable Travel Collective, a Nottingham based transport charity.