As a Clean Champion, you’ll:
- Be supported to carry out litter picking safely, with equipment including a litter picker, high vis vest, gloves, bags and a Health and Safety guide. Any litter picking is done at your own leisure – we don’t expect you to follow any set schedule or requirements
- Report issues in your community, including fly-tips, graffiti, dog fouling, overgrown greenery, fly posting – you report it, we’ll sort it!
Support your neighbours – if you’re aware of a new resident in your neighbourhood, let us know so we can send them a bin calendar and helpful recycling pack.
Sign up for Nottingham Clean Champions
Clean Events in your Neighbourhood
Do you have an idea about how to improve your neighbourhood? Nottingham is covered by a network of friendly Neighbourhood Development Officers who work to ensure that all neighbourhoods are clean, safe and vibrant places to work and to live.
Your neighbourhood NDO works for your local ward councillor – the person elected to represent your local area. They represent and work to improve their ward, engaging with local residents and groups on a wide range of issues.