Nottingham City Council is working with Nottingham City Homes to brighten up Independent Living Schemes across the city.
A number of landscape improvements will be made to six schemes across the city as part of the Greener Designs Project.
Designs for the areas have been decided through consultation with residents living in the schemes, and the work will be carried out by Nottingham City Council’s Street Scenes Teams and Apprentices.
The six schemes chosen are:
• Garfield House in Radford – the main entrance will be revitalised with colour and vibrancy
• Lathkill Close in Bulwell – development of a roof garden
• Keverne Close in Aspley – the front of the building will be made more colourful
• Brookfield Court in The Meadows – new landscaping around the building
• Dane Court in St Ann’s – a range of plants will provide much need colour and welcoming entrance
• Valley Farm Court in Top Valley – Upgraded shrubs to provide more seasonal colour
Work to Lathkill Close in Bulwell has already been completed and has seen an uninviting roof top transformed with new artificial turf, new pots and plants and new garden furniture.
Dave Halstead, Head of Neighbourhood Operations at Nottingham City Council, said: “This is a great project that will not only have a massive improvement to the outlook of these schemes but will also have a positive effect to the people living there as the designs will be creative and inspiring.
“Our Apprentices involved in the work will also learn valuable project skills like budgeting, working to a brief and meeting partner expectation and picking the right plants for the areas.
“We hope residents and visitors enjoy the improvements that their ideas helped create.”