A Nottingham Landlord and his property manager have pleaded guilty to numerous offences relating to Housing Act Offences.
Azam and Sons Property Limited, its Director ‘Yusif McCallum’ and the Property Manager “Nottingham HMO Ltd” appeared at Nottingham Magistrates Court.
Nottingham City Council’s Safer Housing and Trading Standards Teams are jointly prosecuting them under the Housing Act 2004 and Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (CPR’s) related to the failure to manage the property legally and keep it in repair.
Both teams opened an investigation after carrying out a compliance inspection showing poor conditions, poor management practices, and failure to comply with Licence conditions. They also failed to comply with an Improvement Notice.
The properties are located on Nottingham Road Carrington and Woodborough Road, St Ann’s, Nottingham.
Jane Bailey, Trading Standards Manager, said: “This is a great result showing the importance of different teams working together and using both Housing and Consumer Protection legislation in such a way to protect vulnerable tenants.”
Cllr Linda Woodings, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Heritage, said: “Landlords are required to manage their property in accordance with the law. They are also required to comply with legal notices requiring improvements to remove or reduce hazards. This case shows that Nottingham City Council will take robust action through the Courts to prosecute rogue landlords who fail in their duties.”
The three defendants have been ordered by Judge Leo Pyle to provide financial income details by March 2020 for sentencing.