Nottingham City Council will be removing several pedestrian islands along a section of Daleside Road 7am – 3pm Saturday 1st/Sunday 2nd July and 7am – 3pm Saturday 8th/Sunday 9th July.
The removal of the pedestrian islands was originally planned for later in the summer as part of the Daleside Road improvement scheme. However, works have been bought forward to coordinate with other planned activity in the area by Severn Trent Water, Nottinghamshire County Council and Truelove Property and Construction Ltd, who are building 15 new houses.Removing the pedestrian islands now while other works are taking place, will avoid further road closures and will help to reduce disruption and keep traffic moving through this transition.
Temporary two way traffic signals will be in operation for the next two weekends but major delays are expected. Travellers are encouraged to please use alternative routes wherever possible. Access for residents living in the area will not be restricted during the works. Temporary islands to help pedestrians crossing Daleside Road will be put in place during the works.
Nottingham City Council apologises for the inconvenience caused during these improvement works.