Proposals which will shape how Nottingham develops in the future go under the Government’s spotlight later this month before they are officially adopted as the way forward.

Every Planning Authority must produce a Local Plan, which is a blueprint for which sites in the area can be developed and what they can be used for. They undergo public examination by a Government inspector to check that the plans are sound and legally compliant.

Part one of the Nottingham City’s Local Plan (the Nottingham City Aligned Core Strategy) was adopted in September 2014 and included strategic policies, such as the amount of housing and employment land that Nottingham needs in the coming years.

Part two of the plan contains detailed site allocations and policies against which planning applications will be judged – and it’s this which will be scrutinised by Government-appointed planning inspector Beverley Doward from Tuesday 20 November to Tuesday 4 December. At the hearings, taking place at Life at the Centre, Central Methodist Mission, in Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham, the inspector will consider all the policies and site allocations against criteria such as whether the plans are positively prepared to meet the area’s needs, justified by the evidence provided, effective, and consistent with national policy.

Local views are vital in shaping a local plan, as they help to determine how the community is developed. Individuals and parties who made comments on part two of the plan during the formal consultation periods have a right to speak at the hearings, while a range of individuals, representative bodies and companies will be present. The hearings are also open to the public to observe.

Councillor Linda Woodings, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Heritage at the City Council, said:
“This is an important step in the process for the City Council which when complete will help us identify opportunities for growth and set out guidance on what will be permitted and where it will go.

“The Land and Planning Polices Document Part 2 forms part of the Local Plan for Nottingham, and along with the Core Strategy will help us to build a better Nottingham and provide the city with a framework for future growth and development.”
Once the examination process is complete, the inspector will write a report with recommendations, which may include modifications to the plan.
The programme of hearings can be viewed on the City Council’s Examination webpages, at, which gives details of attendees, and the matters which the inspector will cover in each Hearing Session.

The hearings take place between Tuesday 20 November and Tuesday 4 December, at Life at the Centre, Central Methodist Mission, 22 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham, NG1 3DA.

Anyone requiring more information about the Hearing Sessions can contact the Programme Officer, Jayne Knight, Tel: 07548 160934, Email: