Nottingham City Council is to seek an architect and led design team with specialist experience of designing public libraries for its proposed new Central Library in the Broadmarsh area.
This announcement to recruit specialist designers for the new Central Library follow on from a series of major milestones for the Broadmarsh area in 2019. Work has begun on the intu Broadmarsh redevelopment project, work on the new Broadmarsh Car Park development is due to begin shortly, Nottingham College’s City Hub is well on track and private sector projects to build office space near Nottingham Station at City Buildings on Carrington Street and at HMRC’s new offices at Unity Square are due to start soon.
Councillor Dave Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Localities, said: “When we committed to a new Central Library, we committed to a better library than the existing one and the best children’s library in the country. To achieve this, it’s important we recruit specialist designers so we create something we and our children can be proud of in a great new area of the city.
“There was huge public support for a new library and in the initial consultation and consequently everyone has said it’s important we listen to the public and get a great new design for the library, and releasing money for this appointment will do exactly that.”