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Sixty brave swimmers have signed up to take the plunge at Colwick Country Park on Boxing Day to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

The charity splash follows the success of regular open water swimming sessions at Colwick earlier in the year.

Anyone else tempted to sign up for the Boxing Day dip can book a place via this link.  There will be free refreshments and medals for all entrants as well as free parking to encourage family and friends to go along to cheer on the swimmers. Find out more on Facebook.

The charity swim, from 10.30am to 1pm, is organised with Colwick Park Lifeguards and sponsored by Robin Hood Energy.

The water temperature is likely to be 7 or 8 degrees at best so anyone wishing to take part should take note of tips for safe cold water swimming. All swimmers must wear a coloured swim hat – and wetsuits are advisable.

Councillor Dave Trimble, Nottingham City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, said: “This will be a great experience for those brave enough to take part!  The event has already raised over £1,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust and I hope that even more people will be tempted to sign up and boost that total still further.”


  • During the winter you’ll need to acclimatise so that your body can adapt to the cold temperatures.
  • Be aware that open water can be dangerous. Familiarise yourself with the condition before entering the water and make sure you can exit the water easily and quickly.
  • Do not dive in unless you are used to cold water swimming. This can lead to cold shock and may be dangerous.
  • Wear a swimming cap, it helps preserve your body heat. The thicker silicone caps are best, but if you do not have one, use two standard caps.
  • Start with a quick dip but do not swim. Cold water can cause gasping of breath. Once your body has adjusted to the cold, you can gradually increase the time you spend in the water.
  • Know your own limits for the length of time you can spend in very cold water – if you are not sure, err on the side of caution.
  • Make sure you have plenty of warm clothes to put on afterwards, and a warm drink.
  • Shivering is the body’s natural mechanism to maintain heat. If you shiver for more than a few minutes or continue to feel cold, you have stayed in too long.
  • Do not swim in cold water after drinking alcohol or when ill.