A Nottingham primary school has been praised for the way it inspires pupils to work hard to be successful.
Ofsted inspectors said Mellers Primary School has an aspirational approach to inspiring children – and is led by a head teacher whose commitment is ‘infectious’.
Following an inspection visit in February, the education watchdog highlighted the good progress made by pupils who are supported by dedicated staff and members of the governing body.
Attendance is good, the pupils are happy and there is a positive attitude to towards diversity at the school in Norton Street, Radford.
Awarding a judgment of ‘Good’ to the school, inspectors said: “Your commitment is infectious. Your aspirational approach is inspiring pupils. They understand the part they play in their own development and how working hard can help them secure a successful future.
“Parents also said their children enjoy coming to the school and that they are being well prepared for the next stages in their education through a good grounding in the core skills of reading, writing and mathematics. One parent stated, ‘The teachers are with the children every step of the way and, because of this, they are flying’.”
In particular, the inspectors highlighted:
- Attendance has risen to the national average. Leaders monitor attendance and follow up absence tenaciously
- Persistent absence is now below the national average
- Parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive of the school
- Leadership at all levels is strong
- Pupils currently in key stage 2 are making good progress in all year groups
Inspectors added that the school, which was previously also rated as ‘Good’, had a strong emphasis on the social and emotional welfare of pupils.
The report states: “The well-ordered and calm atmosphere reflects the school’s consistent approaches to pupil wellbeing. This is having a positive impact on pupils’ personal development.”
Commenting on the report, Mellers Head Teacher Amanda Dawson said: “I’m proud of our pupils, parents, staff and governors – in fact, everybody who helps to make our school such an amazing place.
“This report recognises how hard we are all working to not only focus on attainment and attendance but also to ensure our children feel safe, valued and respected.
“The inspector who was with us that day felt that we’re better than ‘Good’ and has recommended that we have a follow-up inspection because he thinks that we are ‘Outstanding’.”
Cllr Neghat Khan, Portfolio Holder for Education and Skills in Nottingham, said: “It’s always a pleasure to see such positive comments about one of our city schools – especially the findings about how inspired the children are.
“This is down to hard work from staff, pupils and governors. They should all be so proud of their hard work and dedication.
“The council is working closely with partners from across the city to ensure that every child can go to a school that is rated as ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’.”
The full report can be read here.