Nottingham City Council’s employment and skills service, Nottingham Jobs, is marking the successful completion of the Nottingham Works project.
Launched in 2016 to support unemployed young people aged 16 to 29, the project was extended in 2018. In total, the project has worked with over 6,000 young unemployed Nottingham City residents in this time.
During the first two years, Nottingham Works’ delivery partners helped 1,460 young Nottingham residents to progress into employment, training or education.
Through the continued dedication and hard work of these partners, a further 1,900 young people progressed into employment, education or training between September 2018 and March 2021.
Underlining the impact of the project, the Nottingham Jobs service can announce that:
- 74% successfully completed Nottingham Works
- 58% of got an offer of employment, education or training upon leaving the project
- 55% went into employment, education or training upon leaving the project
Nottingham Works was part funded by Nottingham City Council, partners across the city, and the European Union, through the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI).
Councillor Rebecca Langton, Portfolio Holder for Skills, Growth and Economic Development adds; “The Nottingham Jobs service and its partners have made a significant contribution to increasing employment and skills in the city for many years now and have supported people of all ages to find work.
“Providing support for young residents to find work or training after leaving education, however, is an essential priority to ensure that future generations are given opportunities to learn and earn, and build successful lives here in Nottingham.
“At a time when more young people than ever are facing real challenges to finding suitable jobs and training opportunities, it’s very positive to know that projects like this are able to make such a difference.”
Joining the Nottingham Works project has made a real difference to many young people in Nottingham, including:
Charlotte, 17, who was helped by Nottingham Works partner, the Family Intervention Project:
“I did health & social care at college and passed that but I didn’t know what to do next. I was looking for work, I had a friend who’d worked with Jackie before and he told me that she’d helped him so he gave me her number. It was hard, I just didn’t know where I wanted to be working, I used to think I had to pick one job and I’d be in it forever.
“She helped me a lot because I didn’t have a really good CV so she helped me write one, we went through interview questions too. She told me that even if I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I still have time to figure it out. Getting the support made me feel more comfortable with finding a job and gave me confidence.”
Paul, who was helped by Nottingham Works partner, Double T

“I have worked before, mostly painting and decorating, working for myself but I was out of work, on universal credit, definitely looking for a job. Double T filled out a wonderful CV for me and they arranged work experience for me. I’d really rate the service because I’d lost some of my confidence and self-esteem before so now I feel like I have that back. I feel I’m back on my stride again.”
Charlotte, 20, who was helped by Nottingham Works partner, Double T

“I was a naughty kid, I always used to walk out my lessons. I never listened to teachers and never did my work but this Employability Programme was good, I actually did enjoy it. I’m surprised I got along with Annabel so fast.
“She helped me with my CV and she encouraged me to join a course; Customer Service Level 1. Before this Employability Programme I wouldn’t have been so friendly. It feels good having completed. It feels like there are possibilities in life now.”
Nottingham Works may have come to an end, but the future of employment support for people of all ages in Nottingham and the local region is secure. Way2Work continues to support people aged 16 to 50 + living in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby and Derbyshire. Nottingham Works 4You launched in April this year to support young people aged 16 to 24 to find education, work or training by offering support with:
- Job searching
- Writing a CV
- Completing job applications
- Interview preparation
- Apprenticeships and training
- Overcoming personal barriers
Find out more by calling Nottingham Jobs on 0115 876 4508 or visit the Nottingham Works 4 You webpage.
Read more of our success stories on our jobs blog.