A list of activities and fun things for the family to do over Easter has been released – all of which can be enjoyed from home during the current social restrictions.

Nottingham City Council has created a dedicated web page where all this information is stored in one place – with wider detail on a range of helpful subjects during the coronavirus outbreak.

Together with partners across the city and national organisations, the aim of the page is to provide families with lots of fun things to do over the Easter holidays when they would normally be out-and-about with friends and family.

It will be updated and added to over the coming weeks to include wider ideas for learning and home-schooling, plus advice on health and wellbeing, community support and cultural items.

The main categories so far are:

  • Keeping the kids busy
  • Activities and hobbies
  • Education and learning
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Art, music and theatre
  • Support in your community

Councillor David Mellen, Leader of Nottingham City Council, said: “We’re very aware that while we continue to provide vital frontline services to the people of Nottingham, including support for the elderly and vulnerable, keeping the streets clean and emptying bins, we also understand the impact on children and families at this time.

“Normal routines have changed completely with most youngsters away from school at present and not able to spend time with their friends. As we approach the Easter weekend, many families would usually be looking to head outdoors and spend time together.

“While we continue to follow Government advice and stay at home to save lives, we have tried to pull together some ideas of things that can be enjoyed – from the online library right through to new hobbies to try.

“Over the coming weeks, we’ll be regularly adding to this page with additional learning tools for children, but also information about support in the community and advice around health and wellbeing.

“I know that things will look and feel a bit different this year because it’s vital that we all stay at home. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy and restful Easter, and say thank you to the frontline workers across the NHS, emergency services and councils who will be working so hard this weekend to keep us all safe.”

The web page can be found at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/stayinghome