A vigil is to be held today to bring Nottingham together as One City to remember the three people who tragically lost their lives in Nottingham earlier this week.
Through acts of shocking and senseless violence, the city lost two young University of Nottingham students, Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar and Ian Coates, a much-loved primary school caretaker at Huntingdon Academy. Three people also remain injured following these terrible events.
Anyone who wants to pay their respects, mourn this terrible loss of life and be with their fellow citizens at this difficult time for the city is invited to the Nottingham Together vigil in Old Market Square this evening, 15 June, from 5.30pm.
The Lord Mayor, Cllr Carole McCulloch and Leader of Nottingham City Council, Cllr David Mellen will be joined by Shearer West, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Nottingham and representatives from our faith communities. A minute’s silence will be observed at 6pm from the steps of the Council House and there will be a musical item to close the vigil at 6.15pm.
People are welcome to join from home by lighting a candle in their window or doorstep and to use #NottinghamTogether to show unity on social media.
Cllr David Mellen, Leader of Nottingham City Council, said: “Ours is a city still in shock. We wanted to provide an opportunity for people to come together to grieve, support each other, and show that Nottingham people care, reject violence and stand together.
“It is difficult to fathom that these terrible attacks happened in our city, in streets familiar to us all, where we are used to going about our daily business. It will take some time for all of us to come to terms with it, but of course our thoughts and prayers are especially with the family and friends of those who lost three loved ones yesterday those who have been injured, and to the communities where they lived.”
“We are extremely grateful for the messages of support our city has received from near and far and the professional and swift response provided by our emergency services.”